Studio Rituel

About Us

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Studio Rituel, 16 Rue de la Grande Chaumière, Paris, IDF, 75006, France

+33 1 53 10 86 00   


Studio Rituel

has been founded on the principle of enjoying, developing and experiencing our bodies…daily….and to create an environment where others can do the same. What is your daily ritual ? What do you do daily to re-group, collect, energize and heal ? We’d love to be a part of it.

Here we breathe, we stretch, we learn, we reach. We challenge each day to be filled with new experiences by offering 9 disciplines to practice – solo, duo, and in group classes – for women, men and children. We are always open to input & feedback and we fully engage with our clientele to ensure progress and satisfaction.

At the end of the day, we want to create a space that is safe, healthy, happy and welcoming. 

Our Studio is Your Studio.

Studio Rituel - or  simply "Rituel" as our regulars call it - is a place that has been built over time around values. This means consistency, of course, but not only.

Here Pilates®, GYROKINESIS®, GYROTONIC® and Yoga are complementary to each other. This harmony is what we believe in and what our cosmopolitan clientele is looking for.

Genuine listening and respect for the individual’s needs  - what works for one person may not necessarily work for another, and vice versa. That's precisely our objective : constantly seeking the best for everyone.

The ultimate goal of Rituel ? Contributing to your physical health, of course, but with that your overall well-being !

A history of more than 15 years.

To be effective , any practice needs be taught until it is well integrated .

This means being looked after by an experienced teacher, of course, but also being limited to small groups where individual attention is given.

An educational team of 23 professors, chosen not only for their outstanding expertise but also for their complementary profiles and diverse backgrounds:  

The choice is yours 🤔🧡

Your health, your posture and functional training are of foremost importance to us !

Because even the “best” method poorly practiced can be harmful , we have forged a partnership with the Spine specialist Doctor of Chiropractic Thierry Legagnoux and the “Centre Chiropractic de la Colonne Vertebrale”. 

Our entire team is attentive to your individual needs.

Whether working out in a private setting or in small groups, the teachers create a climate of trust and security from the first lesson.

State-of-the-art equipment-

Good equipment is necessary - we are proud to propose all 5 existing GYROTONIC® machines 5 ( The Pulley-tower, The Jumping Stretching Board, The Archway , The Gyrotoner and The Leg Extension Unit ) and the complete Pilates equipment ( Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, F2 Syste & Ped-O-Pull plus all small equipment & accessories…)

Aside from the diversity of our classes, from Pilates on the Mat, Reformer, Cadillac or Wunda Chair to Yoga, GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS® and Xtendbarre® the Space is a jewel, in the heart of Paris, on its beautiful left bank.

Our philosophy:  take care of yourself on a daily basis with pleasure !




We are located in the 6ème arrondissement.

Métro lines :

  • 4 Vavin

  • 6 Raspail 

  • 12 Notre Dame des Champs 

  • 13 Montparnasse 

  • RER B Port Royal 



16 Rue de la Grande Chaumière

75006 Paris

+33 1 53 10 86 00             






Fédération des Professionnels de la Méthode PILATES

LA FPMP: pour préserver et développer la haute qualité de l’art du Pilates

En France, après la parution d’un décret encadrant la pratique du pilates en France pour d’enseigner la méthode , il est nécessaire d’avoir un diplôme sportif. Beaucoup de professeurs de Pilates , diplômés d’écoles reconnus à l’international , enseignant depuis de nombreuses années et issus de la danse, du yoga ou autres disciplines corporelles ce sont vus menacés de ne plus pouvoir exercer leur profession légalement. La situation précaire de ces professionnels a perduré jusqu’en 2011 , date à laquelle Sophie Monpeyssen a pris la courageuse initiative de créée La fédération des professionnels de la methode pilates, la FPMP. Celle ci a d’abord été composée par quelques membres fondateurs dont Yaelle Penkhoss ,directrice du studio Equilibre Pilates.

En effet, il lui est apparu essentiel de s’engager au côté de Sophie pour défendre le droit des professionnels du Pilates certifiés de travailler en toute légalité.

A ce jour , la FPMP a plus de 350 adhérents et travaille en partenariat avec la fédération sport pour tous afin de délivrer un diplôme reconnu par le ministère des sports.

La fédération oeuvre en France et en Europe ( lors de réunion avec les autres fédérations de Pilates nationales) pour maintenir les standards de notre profession , notamment en créant un système d’agrément pour les écoles de formation répondant à un cahier des charges précis et en divulguant les valeurs fortes de notre profession au travers de sa charte éthique.

Centre Chiropractic de la colonne vertébrale - Dr Thierry Legagnoux , 119 rue de l'Université 75007 Paris, 01 45 51 38 38,

Body Arts & Science International ( BASI ) Pilates

Red Flower

The Franklin Method uses dynamic imagery, anatomical embodiment and the notion of plasticity of the brain to improve your body’s function.
It teaches you how to harness the transforming power of the mind and can be applied to improve all of your abilities.


Xtend Barre® – We teach Xtend Barre at Rituel so our clients have the option of including a higher intensity cardio workout to their regimen. Xtend Barre integrates Pilates principles, building off of the foundation of Rituel’s main physical discipline, so our clients feel a more natural transition from their Pilates


Gyrotonic®/Gyrokinesis® – Parallel but different to Pilates, Gyrotonic® promotes spiral movement and spinal rotation. Also born from a rehabilitation standpoint, yet Gyrotonic challenges the concept of the linear technique of Pilates.  It opens the body up to some contrast in this way, and we promote a variety of physical movement on your journey to wellbeing.


Sissel – Sissel is a Swedish brand that specializes in quality equipment for physiotherapy and other physical well-being practices. They take a holistic approach to the body, just like us. Sissel provides us with Pilates accessories, such as Pilates balls and Pilates circles, which are also available for purchase.


Peak Pilates – Peak Pilates provides our larger Pilates equipment, and is one of the leaders in quality Pilates machines. You’ll find yourself bending, stretching and lengthening on this equipment during your classes at Rituel.

Ana Heart -  Ana Heart est une marque de vêtements de sport slow qui s'inspire de la mode. La marque est ancrée dans un esprit « urban-chic » et propose à la fois une ligne de vêtements techniques et étudiés pour la pratique du yoga, de la barre et du pilates ainsi qu'une ligne de vêtements décontractés dans le même esprit.

Ana Heart c'est avant tout une promesse de qualité, des pièces uniques qui mettent le corps en valeur, des coupes épurées et féminines ainsi que des couleurs intemporelles. Les créatrices de la marque sont des inconditionnelles du concept « less is more ».

La marque mise sur la qualité. Sa signature tient en trois points : technicité, douceur et confort, alliés à des matières haut de gamme exclusives et naturelles (coton bio, etc.).


Sister Studios


Freiburg, GER

Pilates, Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis® -



Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis® -



Pilates, Gyrotonic® -



Pilates -



Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis®



Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis®



Gyrotonic®, Pilates -

Spa, Pilates & Gyrotonic® -

Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis® -


Parkslope Brooklyn, New York, USA

Pilates -